Past Fellow’s Research Highlighted in the JABSOM News

“Decidual cells were immunostained for relaxin and quantified by multispectral imaging with Inform software. Pattern recognition deliniates the cells in different colors. Nuclear membranes are outlined in green; extracellular matrix is pink, allowing for quantification of the cytoplasmic hormone only.”

“Decidual cells were immunostained for relaxin and quantified by multispectral imaging with Inform software. Pattern recognition deliniates the cells in different colors. Nuclear membranes are outlined in green; extracellular matrix is pink, allowing for quantification of the cytoplasmic hormone only.”

Our most recent graduated fellow, Frederico Rocha, MD, MS’ thesis was highlighted on the September Gray Journal cover as well as in the below press release from JABSOM. The study is titled “Genetic associations of relaxin: preterm birth and premature rupture of fetal membranes“.

Read the full press release here


Congrats Fred!